
I’ve stumbled across a website called  She has listed some “Fill Your Cup Journal Prompts”.   It’s early morning now and I haven’t had much of life yet to slice about. I need prompting this morning.

The prompt:

        Breathe-  When your children were babies did you wake at night to look for their breath? Perhaps you do that now. What would you tell that mother in the dark listening for breathing?

          You bet I checked for breathing.  I still go in check on them during the night.  I think once you become a mom, those nights of uninterrupted sleep become distant memories. 

          What would I tell that mother in the dark listening for breathing?

I’d say:

          Soak in that sweetness.  Thank Jesus for the wonderful gift he has brought into your life.  Find the book “The Power of a Praying Parent” by Stormie Omartin.  Pray. Pray. Pray. Love. Love. Love.

8 thoughts on “Breathe

  1. My daughter slept in a cradle next to our bed and remember vividly sleeping with my arm snaking over the edge to rest my hand on her chest. Thanks for the memory! I love how something you read took you to a slice.

  2. I remember those days like yesterday. Tiptoeing into the room, leaning over the crib to watch for the steady rise and fall of the tiny little chest. I had to resist the urge to scoop and cuddle. Time goes by so fast.

  3. Can you check your SPAM folder on WordPress and see if you have a comment from Kim there? She has tried to post a comment, but it is being rejected as SPAM. If you could allow her through, she’d love to comment!

  4. Now for MY comment! I love this post. I do so remember peeking in and listening for their small, quiet, even breathing; watching their chest move as they took in each breath evenly and deep. A sweet, quiet time for reflecting on the gift you are entrusted with.
    “Praying Circles Around Your Children” by Mark Batterson… another good book.

  5. I love how you use repetition of words to create rhythm in your writing, I liked the line “soak in the sweetness.” I can totally relate to this. Just wait until they are out driving and you are waiting up. There are angels among us.

  6. Now days I’ve been known to check on my father-in-law to make sure he’s breathing if he’s not up before I leave for the day. The instinct never leaves.

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